Cruising down the open road with the wind in your hair and the steady hum of your motorcycle beneath you - it's a dream that's not only about the ride but the connection with your machine. 

Just like any finely tuned instrument, your motorcycle needs regular maintenance to perform at its peak and avoid the dreaded "breakdown blues." 

Whether you're a seasoned rider or just laid hands on your first bike, these essential maintenance tips are the keys to a prolonged, worry-free ride.

Oil Changes and Filters – An Engine's Lifeblood

The Importance of Oil

You may have heard that the oil in your engine is its lifeblood, and for good reason. Motor oil lubricates the internal components, reducing friction and heat. 

Over time, oil deteriorates and becomes less effective, hence the need for regular oil changes. 

But when should you change it? A good rule of thumb is every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, depending on the type of oil and how often you ride. 

Narrowing Down the Filters

While you're changing your oil, don't forget the filter. The oil filter's role is to catch contaminants to keep your engine clean. 

Don't skimp on this - a clean filter can extend the life of your engine, reduce wear and prevent harmful debris from circulating.

Prepping Your Spark Plugs

Spark plugs are vital for starting and running your engine. A dirty or damaged spark plug can lead to issues starting your bike, poor performance, and lowered fuel efficiency. 

Most manufacturers recommend changing spark plugs every 8,000 to 10,000 miles, but it’s wise to inspect them more often. 

If the tips are white and blistered, or if you notice arcing from the plug wires, it’s time for a replacement. 

Brake Service – Where Stopping Power Meets Safety

Motorcycle brakes are amongst the most critical safety components. 

Regularly check the thickness of your brake pads, and look for any signs of wear, such as deep grooves or discolouration of the rotors. 

Rotors and Pads

The brake system should be bled annually to maintain the integrity of the hydraulic system. 

Remember, the ability to stop is as crucial as the ability to go. You should never defer brake maintenance.

Tyre Care – Your Connection to the Road

Your motorcycle's tyres are its only connection to the road, so keeping them in good condition is crucial.

Tread Depth and Pressure

Regularly check for adequate tread depth, with a minimum of about 1.6mm across the tyre according to safety standards. 

Also, ensure the tyre pressure is at the manufacturer's recommended levels. 

Balancing and Alignment

Proper tyre balance ensures a smooth ride and prevents premature wear. An out-of-balance tyre can cause handlebar wobble or vibration. 

Have your tyres balanced and aligned at the same time you switch them out for maximum safety and performance.

The Electrical System – Keeping the Current Flowing

Nothing makes you appreciate a working electrical system more than when it fails. 

A motorcycle’s charging system, battery, and all the wiring are essential for powering the lights, instruments, and, of course, the starting system.

Regular Checks

Inspect the battery terminals for corrosion and ensure they’re tightened securely. Test your battery regularly and replace it when it no longer holds a proper charge. 

Check wiring harnesses for any signs of wear, such as chaffing from being pinched or rubbing against the frame. 

One Bonus Tip - Keep It Clean

Regularly washing your motorcycle not only helps it look good but also allows you to inspect it for wear and damage that could otherwise go unnoticed. 

Dirt and grime can cause corrosion, so ensure you use a cleaner for the hard-to-reach places too. 

After a wash, a good wax can protect the paint and keep your bike's exterior looking showroom fresh.


By following these maintenance tips, you’re investing not only in the longevity of your motorcycle but also in your safety and the enjoyment of the ride. 

And remember, Rolan Australia is here to provide you with all the motorcycle parts and accessories you need to keep your two-wheeled companion in top-notch condition. 

Happy riding, and stay safe out there!